Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mandie and the Cherokee Treasure

Like the last Mandie film. this one was amazing. Yes it is a low budget christian film, but it is very similar to the books that it is amazing. Read the mandie books, watch the movie. it will be great. The man die series is a great series for young girls to read. I read them years ago when I was 10 years old. When I was watching the movie I was having a deja vu moment. Like I had already seen this movie, but it was my first time. That's when I realized it was because it was like reading the books.

I enjoyed it. so should you.Well actually this movie is probably not everyones cup of tea. Though if you read the books, I would recommend watching the movie.

The Three Musketeers (2011)

This movie was fairly good. A very good adventure film. It is a little bit of old style musketeers with some modern twist to it. Sword clashing. Lady double agent villains. Romance. Keep you watching. Watch it. Enjoy it.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Seventeen Wishes By: Robin Jones Gunn

Christy spends a week as a camp counselor. Her campers are set on setting her up with Jaeson. one of the male camp counselors. Christy plays along and lets Jaeson woe her. Christy has fun and really learns more about God and how amazing God really is, when she sees one of her campers come to know Christ. Christy loves being a camp counselor but she is glad to go back and see Todd. Her forever friend.

the Help

"You is kind, you is smart, you is important!"

What an awesome movie. I bet the book is even better. It is crazy how black people use to be treated by white people. I mean what ever made us think that there was such a difference between us that they were less than white people. There is nothing different. It's like saying people with blonde hair are better than people with red or white or black hair. It's craziness. Anyways...
Skeeter dives in head first and tries to bring this fact to life. she helps the maids right a story about all the going on's in the town. but they don't use the real names so that they won't get in trouble. It's crazy how people treated their maids, and now the whole country is about to find out. 

Starry Night by: Robin Jones Gunn

Christy feels left out. She has no one to watch the starry nights with.
Christy isn't allowed to do anything. Katie gets to do everything. Katie has to go to the mountains for christmas with her family. Christy is terribly upset. but when Christy is allowed to go to the Rose Parade she is so happy. when she gets there she finds Katie and Rick alone and is upset. Then she finds out they kissed. Christy is a little upset. after the parade everyone goes to Bob and Marti's for the new years party. When they are there Todd comes home and Christy is so happy.
This is my favourite series. so read it. love it. enjoy it.  

The Mocking Jay by: Suzanne Collins

Wow! This is a must read, must own book/trilogy. This book is geared towards teens but I would recommend it to adults as well. it is a fast paced, suspenseful novel. I can't wait to see the movie, though that won't come out till 2014 and the 2nd part 2015. I am excited to see what they will do with the film.
The book starts with Katniss in district 13 recovering from the last hunger games. All of Panem is in an uproar. Everything is chaotic. Katniss doesn't want to be the mocking jay. Peeta is kidnapped by the capitol. Katniss is going crazy, so she agrees to be the mocking jay.
more happens, but you will just have to read and find out what happens

Mandie and the Secret Tunnel

When I was little I used to always read the Mandie books.
These movies are low budget christian films. But they follow the books very closely.
Mandie finds out that her mother is not her real mother and since her father just died. Mandie goes off to find her uncle. when she gets to his house everyone thinks that Uncle John is dead. so Mandie must help find the will. she finds it. and when she does her uncle comes home.
If you read the books, watch the movie you won't be disappointed.

A Little Bit of Heaven

Marley (kate hudson) likes to joke about everything. she doesn't like to let people to get to know her. she keeps everyone at arms length. Then she goes to the hospital for a check up and finds out that she has cancer. at the same time she bumps into a nice man, her doctor, who she starts to date. As she goes through treatment she gets has to open up.
It's a good movie. There are 2 scenes that  could have been left out. and might need to fast forward.

Baby Mama

Kate has been busy with her job. To busy to find a man. When Kate decides she wants a baby she tries everything to try and have a baby. When nothing works she gets a surrogate, Angie. Angie at first is only pretending to be pregnant, but then finds out she is pregnant, but it's her baby, not Kate's.
It's funny, and interesting.

Broken Hill

It's  like an australian august rush. Tommy is a musical genius and is in love with Kat. When they get in trouble and have to do community service. Tommy asks if they can start up a band in the jail. when they are told they can they go to town. but when they ask to go to the music festival there is some hesitation. When they are allowed to go they are all excited.  When they get the festival everything is going great until they go to play and notice that one of the inmates are gone.
An intersting movie with a little twist. watch it. enjoy it.

The Wedding by: Nicholas Sparks

The sequel to The Notebook. Nicholas Sparks is one of the best Romantic novelists I know. Wilson forgot his 29th anniversary. Jane, his wife is disappointed and extremely hurt. How can he forget after so many years together? (Jane is Noah and Allie's daughter) Then Anna decides to get married and what better day to get married than on her parents wedding anniversary.   Anna just wants a simple wedding, but Jane insists that anna have a real wedding so she won't regret it later on.
Jane and Anna go around planning the wedding. The night before the wedding day Wilson has planned an amazing anniversary for their 30th. Jane and Wilson are falling back in love. Then on Anna's wedding day Anna comes down in the matching dress that her sister is wearing instead of her wedding dress. Jane finds out that the whole wedding that was planned was her's not the one for Anna. It was all Wilson's idea. since Jane never got her dream wedding, she is now getting her dream wedding. Jane is as in love with Wilson as the day she married him.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

True Friend by: Robin Jones Gunn

Katie wants to go skiing. she has never gone before so Christy says she will go with her. while on the ski trip the popular girls try and get Christy to join their group and ditch Katie. When Christy uses some of their mouth wash and discovers that it is really vodka. Katie takes it to the leaders, but the girls say they got rid of it and Christy didn't know what it was. The girls try and play Christy but when Christy overhears them she goes to the leaders and tell them everything. The girls weren't true friends. the only true friend is Jesus, he will never let you down.
One of my favourite Books. read it. buy it.

A Heart Full of Hope by: Robin Jones Gunn

The whirl wind review. It's not a well written review because you just have to read it! so read it! lol

Christy has just turned 16 and is allowed to date so Rick Doyle is taking her out on a date that he promised her. He sweeps her off her feet and asked Christy to go steady with her. Christy doesn't know what to say and so she says yes, but she doesn't want to because she likes Todd.
Rick and Christy go to a party and Todd sees them together. the next morning Todd tells Christy he is going to Hawaii.
Christy is upset. Rick and Christy start dating. Christy is told that she has to get a job so she starts working at a pet store. Rick is very upset at this.
Rick steals Christy's bracelet and hocks it for a bracelet with his name on it. That is the last straw and Christy breaks up with Rick.

This is part of my favourite series I have read this so many times and I will continue to read it for a very long time.

Forgiven by: Shelley Shepard Gray

There is a crazy barn fire that happens at Jonathan's farm. No one know how it started or who started it. The fire Marshall believe that it started from a cigarette.
Winnie is badly burned when she goes out to see the fire. She has to go to the hospital. While she is there Samuel, a man who used to be in the Amish community, but left it to go to university, comes and spends time with Winnie. Winnie is in her late 20s and really wants to fall in love and get married and start her family. Anna finally gets married.
Jonathan is determined to figure out who was smoking in his barn. When the boy who did it steps up and finally admits it Jonathan learns to forgive him and it touches the boy.
Winnie and Samuel start to hit it off in the hospital. But when Winnie goes back to the Amish Community she soon realizes that it will never work out. When she can't get Samuel out of her head she has decided that she will leave to marry Samuel. But Samuel has decided to leave the world and join the Amish church. Winnie and Samuel plan to get married.
I enjoyed this series quiet a bit. Having a Mennonite background, I have always had an interest in Amish literature and country. This is a good insight into the Amish community and what they are about and a little bit about their views.  

The Deep End of the Ocean by: Jacquelyn Mitchard

Beth is a mother of 3 children. Life is fairly good. When Beth goes to her high school reunion she takes her three kids, Vincent-7, Ben-3, and Kerry-baby. As Beth is checking in Ben is kidnapped. She turned her back for a second and her son is missing. 4 hours pass and no Ben. 4 days pass and no Ben.  4 months pass and no Ben. 4 years pass and no Ben. It seems that Ben will never be found again. The book takes you through Beth and Vincent's most inner feelings and what they have to go through to come to terms with Ben being gone. Then 9 years later Ben reappears. He has no idea he was kidnapped. And the whole family is reunited. But they aren't really a family.
This book is defiantly going to find a place on my book shelf some time soon. It is a must read and a must own. The movie was also pretty good. Though I watched it before I read the book so I can't remember how accurate it is.