Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Something's Gotta Give

Harry is getting closer and closer to over the hill. he is a serial dater, who likes to date people half his age. when he dates Erica's daughter Erica decides she doesn't like him from the start. but when Harry has a stroke and refuses to stay in the hospital Erica is stuck with being Harry's nurse. After he fires all of his other home nurses. Erica and Harry fall in love.
This is a pretty good chick flick. I have been passing by this movie for quiet sometime, but when we finally got netflixs I decided that I should go ahead and watch the movie. It was pretty good. there was a few parts that weren't too good, but other than that it was good.

Now Boarding at gate 10 by: Robin Jones Gunn

So I have to admit once again..... that Robin Jones Gunn is one of my favourite authors ever.
In Now Boarding at gate 10, Christy's grandparents celebrate there 50th anniversary and Christy flies out to Wisconsin for the party. Todd is now long gone in some far off jungle. Christy runs into her elementary/ junior high school crush, Matthew Kingsley. and he is just as handsome as Christy remembers. She entertains thoughts of dating Matt. While in Wisconsin, Christy and Matt spend a lot of time together. Christy spends a lot of time trying to figure out how to know when you are in love. Christy asks her grandparents how they knew. Their advice...When you know you just know.
Christy takes what her grandparents tell her to heart.
When it's all said and done, Christy leaves Matt in Wisconsin and goes back to California.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Leaglly Blonde 2

Once again I am totally biased on this movie since Reese Witherspoon is one of my favorite actresses.
The first one is the best one, but the second Legally blonde is pretty good for a sequel.
Elle is planning her dream wedding when she realizes that she should invite her dog's mom to the wedding. Yeah totally a Blonde thing to do. When she finds out that Bruiser's mother is in a animal testing place she decides to go to DC to get Bruiser's mom out.

A Promise is Forever by:Robin Jones Gunn

I might be a little biased because Robin Jones Gunn is my absolutely favorite author, but this book was pretty awesome. Christy Miller decides to go on a missions trip with her friends Tracy, Katie and her boyfriend Doug. They fly to England where they meet the rest of the team where they will than head off to some country. While they are there Katie and Tracy have a few bumps along the way and Christy and Doug break up. at the last second Christy is sent to spain while the rest of her crew are sent to Ireland. The pastor who is suppose to pick her up is none other than Todd Spencer. What a God Thing. The last time they saw each other they agreed that Todd should go on the missions field and Christy and Todd should break up, but if God ever brought them back together again they would know that they were meant to get married.