Wednesday, September 6, 2023

This was the first book I have read written by author: Grace Hitchcock; and I must say it will not be the last book I read from her. The Finding of Miss Fairfield was very well written. It really captured my attention and drew me in. I could not put it down. (Especially near the end) It was an easy read, but rich in vocabulary, which made it very enjoyable. The character development was great. I loved getting to know Sophia and watch her leave her nest and soar on her own; learning the value of hard work, money, and the hard lesson that not everyone can be trusted. Carver was an interesting character and was always surprising me with his abilities. Sheriff Kane surprised me the most. I did not peg him for such a scoundrel. The relationship between Sophia and Carver was sweet, though not ideal circumstances (Sophia engaged to Carver’s stepfather). Overall, I appreciated that the romance was not ‘spicy.’ I am always on a hunt for a good wholesome Christian romance novel, and The Finding of Miss Fairfield did not disappoint. The story line was fairly good. Though at times seemed a little all over the place. (Charleston, Las Vegas, New Orleans) With a lot of moving parts- forced engagement, falling in love with another man(future stepson), running away, learning to become a Harvey Girl, life in the wild west, interacting with all the other Harvey Girls, getting engaged, helping Nora out from social ruin, being kidnapped, escaping, marriage to Carver-the author does an amazing job keeping things going. The historical aspect was great. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, it really took me back to the 1800s. The social pressures of the times was portrayed great. The social classes and the desire for better shone through. I enjoyed the little pieces of wild west that came through, but appreciated that it didn’t over take the story as some stories can do. Grace Hitchcock’s intertwining of scripture, prayer and pointing to God was the perfect touch. It really drew the reader back to the whole point of our life and reminder that we need to rely on God. I always appreciate when Christian Fiction points us back to our creator.

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