Saturday, October 5, 2024

My Jesus by Anne Wilson

Wow I don't even know what to say. I picked this book up at the right time and it has encouraged me so much. They say grief comes in waves, and that is a true statement. This year it is hitting in a different way. On Sept. 21, 2012 We lost my father in law when his friend was driving and drove off a mountain road. The car hit a tree and my father in law was killed instantly. Reading this book, I could so relate to what Anne wrote because I have walked similar paths. This year as the anniversary of my father in laws death approached there was a few Godthings that hit me. 1)This week the hymn for our homeschool hymn study is “It is well with my soul.” What a powerful hymn and a powerful testimony from the writer of the hymn. Which also as I was reading this book and Anne was talking about this hymn it really struck me the relevance of this. 2) I also had the opportunity to review this book. I was suppose to review it a few months ago, and it got lost on my shelf (sorry). Up until the last two days I could not have told you who Anne was, nor what her story was. After finishing the book today, it was such a powerful book. She talks about how her brother was in a car accident, hitting a telephone pole and was killed on the spot. I could so relate to Anne and her story and where she has come from. Her love for Jesus and telling others about him is such a blessing. This book was such an encouragement that came at just the right time. Thank you for taking time to write this book. It truly touched me and challenged me in few aspects of my faith. *I received a complimentary copy from the author and voluntarily chose to review it. All opinions are my own.

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