Wednesday, December 4, 2024

An Honorable Deception by Roseanna M. White

An Honorable Deception is the third book I have read written by Roseanna M. White and I look forward to reading more. This is the third book in The Imposters series. I signed up to review this book purely off the cover and book description. I did not realize it was a series, but I am so glad I decided to read this entire series. Though you could read this book as a stand-alone, I would definitely recommend diving into the series as a whole. It was worth it. This Edwardian historical mystery series captured my attention from the beginning, and I could not put it down. The character development is fantastic. Getting to the end of this book I was sad to put the Imposters on the shelf as I have gotten to love each of them. I was so excited to see that Yates is who the last book was about. Learning more about Lady Lavinia was so fun. Watching her inner fight with herself to try and abide by her friends wishes and become less selfish as she looks into opening her mother’s house to help these women out. All the other characters we get to meet as the Imposters solve this case were an added bonus. The storyline and setting were perfect. I loved getting to explore more of the Imposters grounds. Their Tower really came to life this book. I loved that the storyline took on some hard issues, issues that we come across in modern times as well as what would have been an issue in history. The romance that finally gets to soar between Yates and Lady Lavinia is so sweet. I was rooting for them the whole time. Perfect closed door, low spice romance. Roseanna M. White did a great job intertwining faith throughout the book. *I received a complimentary copy from the author and voluntarily chose to review it. All opinions are my own.

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