Friday, December 27, 2024

What I Left For You by Liz Tolsma

What I Left for You is the second book I have read written by Liz Tolsma and I look forward to reading some more. What I Left for You was a captivating book, filled with history and emotions. The character development was fantastic. I loved getting to know both Helena and her journey during WWII and McKenna and her journey as a social worker and looking into her family tree. I enjoyed the storyline and setting a lot. My husband has recently started looking into his family tree so I could relate to McKenna’s journey. It has been a fun adventure to go on. That aspect of the story tied in really nicely to the WWII setting. I enjoyed getting to know a different story of WWII from a viewpoint that is not always talked about. This was also great timing as we start to study about WWII in our homeschool in the next few weeks. Liz Tolsma did a great job of intertwining faith throughout the book. *I received a complimentary copy from the author and voluntarily chose to review it. All opinions are my own.

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